In GMail Nachrichten endgültig löschen

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Beiträge: 1928
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Registriert: 14.07.2004, 00:23

In GMail Nachrichten endgültig löschen

Beitrag von Dölli »

thats not possible

archived emails can be found in all mail but they are not labeled as archived before you delete i suggest you read this ... -mail.html because gmail only has 1 copy of each email and it is only in one place no matter how many labels it has so if you delete it from one view you are deleting the one and only copy of that email

also note - if you have conversation view on it affects how you delete emails - if you get a reply to a sent email , OR you reply to a received email and you delete the email or the reply - they will both be deleted unless you pull down the arrow on the right of the email you want to delete and select delete this message ( or turn conversation view off in gmails settings >> click the gear picture in gmail > settings > in the general category turn conversation view off > save )

to select multiple mail ( see image below - it may take a few seconds to load )
Open the label (or, your Inbox, or Sent Mail, etc) containing the messages you'd like to select.
Click the Select: All link above your messages.
Click the link that says Select all [number] conversations in [current view].
Select the action you'd like to do
to search eg by date / sender etc if you need to delete or move or action certain mail only see Using advanced search
Quelle und Artikel:
Owner of Dölli Power Productions (DPP)

Beiträge: 1928
Registriert: 14.07.2004, 00:23

How GMail stores your mail

Beitrag von Dölli »

When folks come to GMail for the first time, they instinctively expect it it to work in exactly the same way as the other email services and email clients they have grown used to.

But when Google created GMail back in 2004, they had an opportunity to re-define email and how it worked from the ground up. So - being Google! - they did.

The result is a pretty sleek and efficient mail management system, with no duplicates, no folders, no separate mail streams - just a single mailbox managed with - being Google! - Search. They also went for threaded conversations as the default, and abandoned the time-honoured spreadsheet-like system of sorting mail by column headings, using Search instead to find mail by sender, by subject or by keyword using a capable and combinable range of search terms.
Quelle und Artikel:
Owner of Dölli Power Productions (DPP)
